theres something about artist


communities that's really special

and i mean, not every online community is perfect, but just think about it

there's so much support of so many different kinds of people, and when someone needs some help there's usually someone trying to offer advice. i mean think about it, if you told your basketball team you were gay or something, how would they react? i mean i've never been on a basketball team, but the kids at my school who play basketball together would probably kick that kid out of the group, call them names or something. here, i dunno, it just feels really open. like i don't have any stress about telling people i'm pan irl, but it's really natural here. and i can know what other people are going through, which makes me feel really lucky for what i have. i think there's something different about artists. it's like we understand more. accept more. why is that? are we born with it? not saying every artist is an angel but seriously, it's amazing

  • Published Published March 27, 2020, 14:18
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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