lets rewrite it
ok so i was watching a video about new animes that just released this year, yes i mean 2020, and i found this one. its called id:invaded and its about id
lemme define that for you
the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifested.
"the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego"
basically, its an unconcious part of yourself. one that you cannot enter or control or know anything about. it knows more about you than you do ^^. the concept was originally created by Joseph Babinsky
so, its sorta kinda like a bad thing in this show
a disease possibly
it comes into being when you kill someone, and enjoy it. you can only enter an id well if youve killed someone and have a few screws loose. this show is about a detective who goes into these wells to solve homocide cases. the catch is he forgets everything about himself. all he has to remember is a dead girl who is always there. he has a super fucked up backstory and looks like a dulled down natsu >w<
there are only 3 episodes of this rn, and its sorta confusing at the beginning
its an aquired taste, so dont come complaining to me if you dont like it
its not---gorryyyyy persay, except for like, gunshots
i mean they talk about gory stuff but it isnt like tokyo ghoul visual gore
yeah i want yall to know about it ^v^
also his name is sakaido in the id, but irl its Narihisago which means roar in japanese, i checked xd