am ANGEEEEE FUCK mY mOm i fuckinh AAAAAAAAA she went on about our neighbour. in public. for a long ass time. she went on chastizing me and my sister about jobs. for awhile. that i am getting one, and i have no leg to stand on since her and my dad talked about it. BUT SHE SNAPPED AT MY SISTER BECAUSE SHE 'CHASTIZED' HER ABOUT SERVING SIZE, (too much for her diet) (note, this is my sisters point (she is trying to lose weight AND TOLD HER IT WAS iNaProPriAte to chaztize HER in public anD i heard her and a BOOMer say that introverts just need to WoRk to chAnge ThaT like it isn't a part of their personality or anything. AUGH FUCK jUst tO worK anD be GratefUL i cAn WorK since a waitress lady said she couldn't work at my age KJQDHKJ and i am being teased for how much i am online again.

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