Would yall like for there to be mods on the SMP? Because I can make that happen. and there are a few cool mods that I can try and get on there. If we do decide to add mods, I'll give y'all a list of mods to choose from, which should show which one's aren't compatible with each other.
But for some examples of mods we could have: Origins ( mcpedl.com ), and Sweetberry food ( mcpedl.com )
also, there'll definitely be quite a few more mods to choose from, I just have to make sure they work, and see what they're compatible with.
ALSO. This is an image of what my character would be with the origins mod vs. no mods. Because yes, If the origins mod is a part of it, then I'm going to be a tiny flying chaotic nuisance.
Though, regardless of whether there are mods or not, My whole plan will stay the same
@Killmepls37 @TheOneAboveAll i want to dieTheOneAboveAll
@Killmepls37 on the draw.En
When it comes to banning.. the mods are quick arent they...TheOneAboveAll
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