

i feel rather bad, awfully sad. Stressed about things i never should have had, Break homework, sundown bad. Now the rather negative emotions have followed me to dawn, not reaming at dusk. tired, so very tired i am. Of these feelings, of not being able to sleep correctly even with some sleep aid medication. Of not feeling as though i should eat. my head hurts, and i am tired. i won't be able to sleep, and i cannot. i go back to school on the morrow. oh, the dreaded morrow is soon to come. Save me, carry me away. i feel ill. probably because all i have consumed is monster energy drink to keep me awake. i can't fall asleep. i need to study my notes, for Spanish and English. I need to. I can't get bad grades, i need to study. i just wish i could sleep right. i haven't been able to for almost two weeks now. my throat feels weird, as if it is slightly hard to breathe. i feel so very very awful. please, please, please. make it stop i want it to stop. let it stop, may it stop. i want escape. i want to do something to make the hurt stop hurting. my head hurts, my heart hurts. what did i do? what happened? why do i feel like this sometimes...? would physical pain make it better? i don't think so, i don't know. music isn't helping anymore. drawing isn't doing anything to help these emotions. i don't want to eat. edit: have eating a sandwich and chips.

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