Rinter log #2


wowzee, sorry for not writing as much to you book, the past few weeks have been absolutely bonkers man. like, there were apparently only 4 people on the ship and it felt like something got retconned but i cant tell what. Anyways, the last days on the ship to mossrock have been were weird, there was werid ass glows coming from the rat room and i was like thats normal but then a floating eyeball showed up out of nowhere in the night so i just left the room and slept in a kitchen pot for the night but then when someone woke me up from my sleep we found out there was a person in the rat room the whole time! her name was something i dont remember so ill just call her rat girl, she was quite awkward for being in a rat room, rat rooms are always the most comfy place for me, shaking my noggin. The captain then came down after me and the rat girl finished our talk about which flavor of rat is best and he said something along the lines of you can stay but you gotta stick with these fellows and now she's like a party member or something. She seems to be some kind of musical artist as shown by her brass like insturment. anyways we got to mossrock and we met up with the employer guy who sent us here! he was a big fish in a bigger mech suit so im calling him biggie fish. he wanted us to send something somewhere and then go other places, i dont remember any of it. But he gave us rooms to the inn we are staying at and me and rat girl are going to do a gig at the harvest festival in two days as this town is apparently having a harvest festival (WHAT IS A HARVEST FESTIVAL??.??.??) But now im sleeping in a pot in a room in an inn. goodnight journ

  • Published Published November 04, 2022, 23:28
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in The Rinter files
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

Comments 2

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What a cool name!! Love the art, too!