the 1 person I wanna go to prom with isn't going :(
I completely understand his reasons (he's not really a dancing person, neither am I tbh) but it'd just be nice to hang out with him and I know for a fact that being with him would make the experience a lot more fun
I literally see this guy every day and I've gotten used to doing all the fun school events/things with him, and he really makes everything more enjoyable. Most of the dumb jokes/things I enjoy are with him/because of him and it's gonna be much less fun without him there.
Unfortunately our school stopped selling prom tickets last Friday, even though it's not until the 17th. I'm hoping they'll extend this deadline, because they extended the deadline for another senior event to next week.
I'm still going to prom because I have other friends who are going, but it's not gonna be the same without him. My parents made me buy 2 tickets and want me to bring a guest, but there's no one I really want to go with.
I know :(gabzydoodles
@Hoodie thats the point <3Hoodie
her stare is discomfortingDominator_virus
never got thru the game completely, but ive seen so much community theres no point ik the whole lore now XD awesome art