They had made it home, back to the kingdom Chaos called home. His mother had been glad to see them, and opened Lucas, Ace and Invert into the castle without hesitation. Any friend of ours was a friend of hers. They had gotten rooms assorted, and then his mother left them to relax a bit after all of that. Bathing felt nice, and it was helpful they had several. Chaos heard Anonymous and Gracie already splashing about, so he put on his clothes and turned to walk back to his room. Cracking open the door, he found Lucas sitting up against the window, looking out. He looked...peaceful, his limbs relaxed and his face calm. Chaos knew he would be happy here. Sitting beside him, he pulled his earrings back into place. Lucas turned, and smiled at him. "You have a lovely kingdom, don't know why anyone would want to destroy it." Chaos rolled his eyes. "The food here sucks sometimes." That made Lucas laugh. Chaos loved the way he laughed. There was something he needed to do, before dinner was called. Tomorrow would prove difficult, with all of the political stuff they could and (needed to) fix now that they had friends in the human kingdom. Territory to take back, prisoners to return. All kinds of work that they could do together. Chaos pulled himself closer to Lucas, and rested his hand of Lucas's. He looked into his eyes, and leaned in.
have fun skating!Nightblade
Cool! I only went skating once and I hated it, but I hope you got better and I wont beat u up if it's not done by FridayAnonymousTiger
oh lit