

My tablet didn't charge all the way last night
It's like,, at 82% already lol
Anyway uH since its 7 AM every one except John (This nice guy who lives in my house) is asleep ,,, he and another person here gotta leave for work in a few
He made me breakfast. Cinnamon sticks and Hubert's Lemonade are a good mix.
I also love reading anyone's random rambles and talks on here,, biggest example being @sugr!kube ofc lol
Her online diary is fun to read.
I'm thinking abt starting one too but I'm lazy and I only write fanfictions not blogs 🤔 I'm also trying to use periods instead of commas here. Trying to break out of bad grammar since I have essays to do later this week. (I'm obviously failing haha) and I haven't spoken about Terraria or other games like Subnautica, Dark Deception, Shapes & Beats or even Bendy for a little while. Y'know those long talks I do with Spore and not the little "title here is stressful k bye" like a complete rant about the flaws and goodness I see in these games. There's just... nothing too interesting at the moment?? Yeah they're making another Bendy game, Dark Deception is being worked on, etc ect.. There's still not much going on though! Well I did hear that they're removing all mobile-exclusive content from Terraria which sucks. I don't play mobile anymore, but man... I'm gonna miss the Arch, albino, and boss monsters :( especially Turkor the Unthankful. Man was he fun to fight...I also hope that they don't remove Ocram. Alot of his content has come to an end so... :(
I also heard that they're making the 374737825th FNAF game. And a movie. Scott yes you like your franchise and I like it but pls stop it's too much,, and they're making a Minecraft movie too. I love minecraft but this seems like a stretch don't you think? Especially since they keep adding more and more things to the main game. Whatever lol
I also just realized I'm two months behind on my period. My stomach has been hurting all this time and I feel like I have it due to crotch pains but... it's still not here ahha. I've been switching alotta my pills around and it's screwing me up even more. One period pill to the next and back to the first again. That's probably why. I don't know, I'm not a doctor.
Also, I'm sure y'all noticed that I'm trying to cut down on swearing. I'm doing that since there are alot of kids here and I don't want them to be bothered or get in trouble. Plus I don't talk that way irl so...
Anyway ily all

  • Published Published April 19, 2019, 06:00
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today