The tribute chapter 26. Trance

By X

Edge was trapped. He didn't know why, or how, but he was. He had watched the monster take over his body, and force him to be locked in his own mind. Edge had watched Emerald slowly join him, becoming a mindless husk for the beast that had ensnared them. Isle was the only one left. And there was nothing Edge could do to stop his body from becoming a husk too. He could only watch from his mindscape cage as the three husks stalked his friend. Edge knew his friend felt the same way. They were so close, they would never hurt each other, they would never want to kill each other. Sure there was the occasional prank, but they were the best of friends and would never want to severely hurt each other. He ran to the edge of the mindspace he was trapped in. When he looked out of this glass like wall, he could see what was going on through the husks eyes. He pushed his face up against the glass, ans glowing purple tears streamed down his face. He couldn't help it, everything around him was purple or grey. He pressed his hands into the glassy wall, feeling the cold pulsing energy that seemed to come from it. He remembered being taken here. Darling had stuck up on him hunting, and had thrown a necklace around his neck. It was a piece of a bigger necklace, once that connected the minds of the husks to the master. Edge had only seen the master once. He had felt the pain of his mind being influenced by another, he felt his body being stripped away. When Edge fell to the leafy forest floor, he looked up as his eyes went dark. A figure stood there, silently watching Edge leave his own body. He sighed in his mindscape, pressing his fist to the glass. He was so angry, so filled with emotion. He punched the glassy wall. Hard. He heard a small crack, and looked up.

  • Published December 05, 2019, 13:55
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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