

heyo. Yeah this is Flare, ToTaLlY fLaRe, YuP. nOtHiNg SuSPIcIoUs OR AnYtHiNg. wHo ElSe CoUlD tHiS pOsSiBlY bE? anyway, as Flare i say that i am an amazing artist and that i should give myself more credit cuz i have good art, and that all other artists should see how amazing their art is too >:0 and that @StarMoonlight is a total hypocrite cuz she says this stuff all the time to peeps yet whenever ppl compliment her work and say she's a good artist she denies it. So all of you remember how amazing you are and what good art you have. Anyway, yeah i am a good artist, and so are all of you. And especially you potential artist out there! anyway, yup this was totally the real Flare saying all this uhuh. Yup. Bye, love y'all. Have a good day. Love this website. teehee~

  • Published June 01, 2020, 12:40
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Pictures
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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