but this was only the beginning of my appreciation. I don't need koin to appreciate you. I have DETERMINATION and A DRAWING TABLET and IM NOT AFRAID TO USE THESE
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@milkmonto DSKFNSDKNFFKN get pranked bro !!!!!!!!!milkmonto
@bunnirot they wake up to glue on their hands and everyone trying not to laughbunnirot
@milkmonto they will b glued together /realmilkmonto
seisea will learn to hug by hugging him a bunchStarMoonlight
@bunnirot pqouwerqouwer words are not needed for comfort, star shall not ask questionsbunnirot
@StarMoonlight hes v guarded lmadskn its kinda a shulker shell metaphor !! and he doesn't like talking about it kjdfsnkjgnfHoodie
@bunnirot :(((( * huggo*StarMoonlight
@bunnirot that's so sad gosh qpoweruStarMoonlight
@bunnirot qwopeurqpowuerpqouwer STAR COMES IN WITH DA HUGGIES, IT'S COMFORT TIME QWQbunnirot
@StarMoonlight i mean he probably does??? its a ton of trauma ASDFKNMFGKStarMoonlight
do u think he like... has nightmares on it... out of guilt or somethin...awe, he needs huggies from Star qwq
@Hoodie he is a little bit crazy,,,,,,, but like its for a reason,,,,, trauma,,,,Hoodie