me: having a super long hiatus


me: still gaining followers consistently?????? for no reason???????? guys how the fck did i get like 20 more followers ever since ive been unable to get on here often anymore??? i dont understand cus before this it took maybe twice as long to get this many followers (other than when i first started drawing lineless stuff, my follower count kinda blew up over that) anyway im just popping on to say hello. i gtg soon as usual but heres some positive things that have been happening as of late!! im getting a lot better with paint, especially acrylics. i just finished a project for world drama that took a little longer than a week and though im not very happy with the end result, i did learn a lot about how acrylics work in the process and im really glad i actually committed to a project for once. yeah it was, lowkey agonizing because my legs and hands kept cramping from sitting still so long and it got exceedingly boring but uwu at least i can say i worked a week on something and that i tried for once. my bunnies are finally starting to get along and im happy that i no longer have to listen to my mom threaten to get rid of them because thy fight. (hopefully) losing absolutely all friends irl is giving me time to think over and cope with some other depressing shit thats been on my mind, and i have a lot more time to focus on commissions. as much as i hate being lonely, im really proud of myself for actually being productive. im grounded now and a lot more independent, which was exactly what i needed to get back into the commission business. anyway i hope you guys sleep well and have good days tomorrow uwu

  • Published January 27, 2019, 20:06
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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