"It's my artstyle"

By Coffin

I'm not going to go into the whole rant about this, but bottom line is that there are a lot of people who like to complain and excuse their work for being bad by excusing it with their artstyle. Yes, not all artstyles have to look like anime or rip off disney but there are some factors to styles you can't excuses. Many people ask me to help them with anatomy, and many that I help with these cartoony and anime-like styles, don't or haven't touched upon looking up or learning the BASICS of anatomy. To improve you have to build your mental library and learn how the body functions. For cartoonist you learn the basic anatomy, and then with the knowledge you know you can build upon it and deform it. To get to the point where you can exaggerate and deform the body, you need to know the basics. The reason why it's difficult for some people to draw in different angles and perspectives is also because they don't branch out of their comfort zone, you need to experiment and you have to fail. You will learn from mistakes, and you if you put the work in will learn how draw things that make more anatomical sense. People who point out "that leg looks weird" or "why is the head so big" are actually helping you, and you should take what they're pointing out into consideration. Yes, there are people who will talk shit regardless of your art, but that also comes with learning how to handle criticism.

  • Published Published January 04, 2019, 14:53
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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