ah memories hes doing well nowadays doe, chelo has great friends (cough and maybe a boyfriend cough) so thats cool i havent done much story stuff for him in a bit doe but that just may be because ive done a lot for his story already
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
suRE @Smal_Radishessonia
can you make it continuable by others?bee
ohi ThouGHT IT WasN"T wonDERFUL
yknow if I could type for once that would be great and this is amazingBuffedDoggo!!
@peteypop understandablE lmfaomarcelohno
It fANTASTICmarcelohno
Im deceased this isn’t wonderfulBuffedDoggo!!
i love how i lose my shirt midway thru the conversation