The tribute chapter 55. Reunion

By X

Anonymous watched the joy cross over he brothers face as he made eye contact with her. She had recognized his voice under the bush, whispering hushed words to the other figures huddled beneath the leaves. Silently signaling the three boys that followed her to crouch down, Anonymous snuck up on her brother and his friends. Chaos had his arms wrapped around her, and she smiled, looking over his shoulder. Gracie was there, along with three unfamiliar people. Chaos sat her down, and explained everything that had happened. The kidnapping, the princes, the experiments, the murder. When he got to the part about the king being killed, Darling, Emerald and Isle grinned widely. Even the citizens of this kingdom hated their own king. Ace and Lucas, she had learned their names, chipped in with their own experiences sometimes. The older boy in the back stayed quiet though, and Gracie looked over at him sometimes. Edge showed up a little later, dragging Meredith behind him. He showed the ground a hidden bunker that citizens would hide in during the numerous wars. It had since been abandoned, ut they could change out their clothes and clean themselves up. As Lucas, Ace and Invert began to relax, the sixth sense features faded back into emotion. They huddled there for the night, heeding Darling's warning to not go through the woods at night.

  • Published January 23, 2020, 10:03
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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