
By teapup

h. you tried so hard.. i love the old you.. even though it was bitchy and bad. but it left you with no worries. everything was perfect. and it still is; but not as much as it was before. i loved the old you. the new me.. isn't okay. its worse. i miss you.. come back.. i'll never get the past moments back. i don't want to start a new life!!! i still want to keep my old one!! i still want to be you. but me.. the bright me.. lies too much. i can't have that. i wont have that. and that's why i'm here. and even if its sad sometimes.. i love it. i love everyone. and i still love you.. but i won't anymore. its time to move on, me. to a brighter side. i love you all. i do.

  • Published June 22, 2019, 22:13
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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