Midnight - Episode 1


Mark crawled out of his dirty window to the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen, the sky outside of his window right before midnight. The stars would always shine up perfectly and the few lights he could see in the distance of Weer City would make the entire skyline gorgeous. Mark would try his best to wake up a few minutes before midnight to get a jacket and crawl out to see the sight. He’d looked out of his window ever since he had moved here 5 years ago. He tried to stay as long as he could, but worried he would fall asleep outside again and get a cold from the freezing air in the morning. He thought about everything he had done in his last day of Summer break before he went back to school the next day. He thought about all the fun he would have with his friends in his new class.

Freddie walked into school for his first day at Carper Junior High and looked around until he found a teacher that was available and he walked towards them. He asked them where his classroom would be, and they directed him.

Mark walked into Ms. Brink’s room to find Andrew, Doug, and Habeeb all talking near the back right corner. He walked towards them to ask about everything when Ms. Brink asked for everyone to sit down to the seat closest near them. After everyone sat down Ms. Brink got up from her chair and started to explain things about her before showing the students their lockers.

As Mark walked into Steam he saw Habeeb and as he started to walk for him, he looked around at all the students in his EA seeing if there were any new students and he immediately caught his eye with a pretty big kid sitting at a table next to his. He asked them what there name was and got the immediate answer of Freddie. Mark asked if Freddie wanted to sit at they’re Steam table where him and Habeeb were already sitting at.
Mrs. Roberts sat walked into her room after talking with another teacher outside and then greeted the students with a hello. Most of the kids in class already knew her other than Freddie so she greeted him and asked him a few questions before she told the class what they would do throughout the 9 weeks they would be spending with her.

Mark and his friends were all walking with each other outside to the busses where they saw Freddie. Mark introduced the others to Freddie and then asked Freddie if he had wanted to sit with them at lunch tomorrow, with a reply of yes he went back to his friends before leaving school for the first day of coming back.

I know the drawing is bad and I'm sorry for that, I'm not a good artist and I just started with writing so it isn't the greatest but I have a lot of ideas for stories. Also sorry for the lots of cutoffs I'll try to fix that next time.

  • Published Published December 10, 2019, 18:47
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 12

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@PhinSilver WHAT!!! I can't wait to see


@Star_The_Meergon i actually might be drawing more right now!!


@Star_The_Meergon well. i'll have to actually draw it/animate it


@PhinSilver How is it not as sad?


@Star_The_Meergon and it's not as sad as you think