I'm back from my Break!


lol Ok I have things to say.. ;-;

So umm bear with me please.

Ok so hehee, I just came back from my one month break. Did ya'll miss me? Yeah I bet not.
I'm back and I'm here to draw crap inspirations and things like that.

----- About The Art -----
lol I just wanted to freaking welcome self drawing. knowing that I wanted to comeback. I was gone for reasons. School started about a month ago and it started great but, then confusing. Anyways, I drew Beatrix (Resembles a me) walking passed drawn ( You Bois / Gills / they / them ) And I'm just like chill'in.
( The drawn character is just ignoring me lol )

---- Art Itself -----
Time Taken: About 30 minutes
Characters / Ocs: Beatrix D And Drawn (Not mine)
Current follow count: 120
*Ack thank you for the 120 follows UvU*

  • Published Published August 21, 2019, 18:16
  • Location in Still Waters
  • Album in β…¦. 2019 Art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 3



@Champion ive done honors before, but its my first time doing science honors, so I just had a bit of a shock- but yeah i gotcha :)) goos luck with your classes too man


Honor's can be a bit complex for some people. Hell, I'm taking 3 honor's classes and this is my first time doing them, and I'm a bit confused. I'm not saying you won't understand anything, but just take the time to study or analyze (in which I mean try to figure out ways that work best for you to understand it better). Either way tho, I bet you'll get a hang of it before you know it. Wishing you the best of luck πŸ‘Š


idk idk :\