The tribute chapter 2

By X

(I colored this badly because im lazy, and the story part is more important XD)

I watched as the prisoner got dragged in. I saw the greenish blue sheen of light off of her horns, and the soft brush of her tail angrily swishing back and forth. The knights had finally caught a hostage. King Fusion and Queen Cybil have been trying to make the monsters surrender for years, and they decided that a hostage situation would be perfect. The girl they caught growls, and the queen looks at her with disgust. While Nightblade holds her back, Sir Invert kneels and presents her to the royal family. "My king, my queen, we bring thee a monster." He says, bowing low to the ground. The monster starts talking, but in their language, as humans can't understand her. I clutch the column i'm holding tighter, and i know what's coming. My name is Ace. I'm the prince of this horrid kingdom. My mothers name is Cybil, i got my hair, and sharp wits from her. My father is Fusion, the king. He has reverse vitiligo, which causes dark patches on his skin. I got my allergic reaction to gold from him. They are both horrible people. I hear my mother's voice speaking. "Well, what should we do with her..?"

(In the comments, tell me whether to throw the monster in the dungeon, or kill her where she stands!)
(People in this chapter) @Bloopzafosh @TheNightBlade @HyperSnivy @PhinSilver @X @fusion325

  • Published Published October 30, 2019, 14:52
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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