What was he going to do? Time was running out for them, and Darling was still suspended in this bubble of emptiness. But he wanted to break out, need to even. He didn't know what to do, but he would try whatever popped into his head. Searching every corner, looking closely into the surrounding darkness. Nothing worked. Maybe though, maybe he could break it? He began to slam his fists into the wall, hoping for any kind of reaction. Nothing was happening, and his hands were starting to hurt. Then, he heard a crack. A small white spider against the invisible barrier. He pressed on it, hit it more, and it began to spread. The crack grew bigger, ang small pieces began to fall out of the places where enough damage had been done. Darling thought he had found a way, continuing to hit the wall and break it more. But then, the black void outside began to lea in through the cracks, filling the space with thick black fog. He began to cough, and his head went fuzzy. Huh, he thought, maybe this wasn't the right thing to do. He felt the sharp pain as his head hit the hard floor, before his eyes went dark.
ANonymous looked at the figures standing around them. There was a blonde one, one with green hair and a sparky looking orange one. They all looked empty, with purple eyes that were coated in black phlegm, and big grinning smiles. Anonymous also noticed they were all human. She had never felt sorry for humans before, but they're fake smiles, and the terrified boy beside her made her feel sorry for them. Maybe they didn't deserve this. As she looked around, here eyes fell again on the blonde haired one. SOmething about his face had changed. Drastically. She froze, and pulled on the blue boy's sleeve. He turned, and without a sound, she pointed towards the husk. His eyes...the phlegm had seemingly disappeared, and the purple shell was...cracking. The smile drooped, and a trickle of blood came out of the husk's mouth. "Its working!" She hissed softly, trying not to direct the others attention. He huffed, and turned to the other two husks, more determined now that he knew what to do.
@Bionicle.exe your in no position to judgeBionicle.exe
@drumcat yesdrumcat
@Bionicle.exe do you find amusement in making me suffer?Codex
@Bionicle.exe yesBionicle.exe
@drumcat do yall find amusement in causing me harm?TheMaineAnimator
@drumcat try medrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator and ill do the same to youCodex
gtg cyaTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat your slicing his throat opendrumcat
isnt that right boncle@bionicle.exe
all that workCodex