----- About this art ---------
I love the dots around it. Dots makes me feel so happy when i see them in a pastel color. Cassandra is my second main oc. Cassandra is a human android. She knows how to act/ follow and respect rules that are given to her. Cassandra has a voice of an actual human.
------- Art Itself ----------
Time taken :2 hours
Characters/Ocs used: Cassandra HA
Current Follow Count: 90
@WolfHats :Osatansassgremlin
@Hoodie it's the scale tool instead of putting a larger number put a smaller one and hit enter twiceHoodie
how do you zoom out like det-or are you just so good at art-
@Bi_UwU_Drawer aa cool owoBi_UwU_Drawer
this made me laugh my dude