As per your request idk y but I just 100% see Victor as a skateboarder lmao
I ummmm have 3 more requests left, I'm more than half way done so WHOOP WHOOOOP
Alsooooo lil story time, a couple of days ago I was on the subway heading to downtown right?? And I saw a fight breakout WHOOOOOOOOOOO too bad it wasnt physical but I tell u these women gave me some good entertainment lmao idk y im like this but I started laughing while they were fighting GUYS I SWEAR I'M NOT A BAD PERSON I-just thought it was halairous how one of them was like "IMMA KICK THE SHIT OUT OF U COME ON FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW" and I was like boi na u don't. So like picture this right everyone else is serious n shit and u have these 2 genetic misfortunes of humans screaming then u see me good old xEclipse trying NOT to laugh haha. I found it hilarious how confident this woman was in beating the hell out of someone meanwhile everyone knows she wont have the non existent balls to do so *W H E E Z E*
@Honey's_Aesthetic m a y b e e e eHoney's_Aesthetic
i s t h a t h o m e s t u c k i s e eKailey_Kat
@-AshFlame- ik hes still a big cutie-AshFlame-
@Kailey_Kat yeah !! flynn is a troll so uwu-AshFlame-
@-AshFlame- and yeah man you gotta read all of it. like ally said, there are there are usually recaps from hussie between intermissions. its easier to read through everything though. shit gets confusing if ya dontKailey_Kat
@-AshFlame- jOHNoh and i was looking at the wiki fandom page and saw the resemblance of the trolls with Flynnamon bun uwu
@uwrvz_uwu alrighty thanksuwrvz_uwu
@Kailey_Kat if you need help understanding the story, there are recap parts during the intermissions (mostly)just be sure to read
if you don't, you won't understand anything
@uwrvz_uwu @RANDOMGIRL4 okay thanks guys lolRANDOMGIRL4
@Kailey_Kat not reading will make some shit confusing. I'm on the boring parts (I'm on 300 something pages), but I've seen spoiler images and it looks like it gets good. All I know is that the story is very confusingKailey_Kat
@uwrvz_uwu okay... should i just not read it, or will not reading it make the rest confusing?uwrvz_uwu
you have to get past the first and second actthose are the most boring parts, believe me
i'm on act 5 rn and it's pretty good