-in the current time, I'm pretty sure that they are 17, and 14, with Lucas being older
-they are three years apart almost exactly, with only a month difference
-Ace will bother Lucas during important things by climbing through the vents/secret passages and under tables, then sitting down and talking to him. this is when ace has a panic attack, or is really scared, or just bored.
-they have midnight fashoin shows
-ace is into architecture
-lucas is into fashion, but also likes art
-they both can draw well, and only write in cursive
-lucas is the heir
-this one mught not be definite, but their parents branded them by using their gold allegy when they were little(might have ti be confirmed by @X )
-speaking of their gold allergy, it urns them when they touch it, and marks them if they touch it for too long
-yes, thei hair is curly. Lucas straighten his most days and Ace just brushes theirs out, so it isn't in tight ringlets
-they both want to provde public schooling in their country, as it had been taken away when monsters and humans went to war
-ace;s birth name is Ashley. THey hate it. but, they did like the A, so, they went with ace
-ace aslo fit with thier sexuality(asexual)
-the siblings are very close
-the purple in their hair is not dyed, but in fact natural.