Ok, so the song I’, using is 48 seconds long ( soundcloud.com/epicjamsdotcom/you-r-eposted-in-the-wrong-sandvich)
And so I noticed my timing was off-
So- I did my best to sync up the song with what I had-
I’m using 12 FPS, so it should be about 576 frames for 48 seconds-
So what I did, is, when the song ended, I paused it. And uh- I’m pretty sure, even if I was off-sync(which I wasn’t notable off-sync) and even if I paused too quickly (which, i think I actually waited too long to pause-)
It still wouldn’t make sense-
So- from what I’m gathering- either drawn’s timer is off- or SoundCloud is-
Though- I think it’s drawn’s, because instead of going “0.11->1.00”, it goes “0.11->0.12->1.oo” meaning there’s a whole 1/12 of a second not being properly accounted for- which- It doesn’t sound like a lot-
But- when you have a 48 second animation- it adds up to being about 4 seconds not accounted for- (take number of total seconds, and then divide by 12, and it’ll say how many second it wouldn’t account for-)
I hope this is useful- from what I know, syncing on here has been a nightmare for some-
THANK YOUsatansassgremlin
@Hoodie YES HERE:www.youtube.com
@Hoodie YOUTUBEHoodie