the raven (moon)

By Keibo

ok criminal au time <3<3 im fuckin around w designs n shit. i mean,,, shes an older version of idealized me yk. gotta make her hot. idk how old she is?? depends on how old june makes c!june i go by moon irl and i think im gonna go by moon here, too. im not vibin with sam anymore but we shall see. moon she/he :). i dont think im gonna make c!moon a druglord or anything shes just a smuggler/seller and makes bank. she also robs banks n shit with c!june and others (if other ppl join idk) shes very,,,, glamorous n flashy. shes emo. what a loser!!!!!!! /j /lh she has a bird mask to hide her identity, wears a black tight turtleneck, black pants or shorts idk yet, and a leather?? jacket with the back / back of the arms having feathers so when she spreads her arms she looks like she has wings, but it isnt massive or unweildy,,, shes gotta be nimble n shit anyways. i headcannon that she flirts with the main officer on her case,,, like they pull up to the bank robbery or something and are standing outside tryna figure out what to do and she breaks through a window and like,,, idk grapplehooks or like gets into a helicopter or car or something and just winks at the officer or smth or yells smth like "hey there, detective <3 catch me if you can~" and then flees the scene. idk i want her to be dramatic and flirty and cool when shes in her villain form and then like,,, calm andnerdy and a bit awkward in her regular day-to-day life. ofc when she commits all her crimes shes not wearing her fancy outfit all the time, but she does when she robs banks. maybe she and the others have like,,, a villain squad thingie and commit crimes but dont know each other irl so theres no ratting out their identities if they get caught or smth ??? idk . im thinking like ,,, a ladybug and chat noir situation but theyre villains and probably adults i plan to make sm angst ur not even ready.

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