i have a question. (a vent, too)


Is it normal to get,, very agitated after your parents gives you a lecture about a serious topic for,, a second or third time despite not committing anything really close to that? it was almost unprovoked, but, it was caused by watching a show. a long, sort of repetitive lecture. justifying things, by claiming that i live in a dangerous town, with a sort of proof. Using examples from other places, too. Justifying how,, restrictive my parents are with my life. Especially with how my brother turned out, because he had "too much" freedom. It definitely wasn't the people he hung out with, or something like that. It was the freedom. Her going off about how i could be taken off the street and drugged, so i would be compliant in being a....S** SL*VE. That a druggie could,, inject a disease-ridden needle of some really bad stuff to get me addicted to it, on the street for no reason. Validating how horrendous my small town is, and how it isn't as safe as it it was was thirty or so years ago. That she and my father are so overbearing because they love me, and actually care. That,, she, my mother, would let me have freedoms if she wasn't concerned, but since she is i don't get those. i don't get to do the things she has concerns with. because i am her little baby, my sister is her little baby. she even made a passive-aggressive comment after it was over, after i told her she had given me such lectures before. what truly made me upset is that she accused one of my only friends of using drugs because of his poor sleep schedule, and claiming that his poor sleep is what causes him to be so thin. that his habits will cause awful damage. it isn't my place to say the reason why, but, it sure as fucking HELL is NOT because of his sleep schedule, or an inability to get food. AUGH. it upsets me so much remembering it, in a sense i am getting agitated. angry. i do not know how to prove to my mother i am not some moronic infant who will fall for the candy van. how she suggested i should trust NO ONE because they could drug me, even friends. alluding that they would slip something into a soda. she even went on an icky tangent on what happens when someone gets really high or drunk,, such as deification, and uhm,, issues for men *down there*. i don't know what to do. my,, cage is getting smaller, because my mother is getting validation from where she works for her beliefs that where we live is similar to a New York slum, or something.

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0well, fuck.