Drawnganronpa V2


.remember if you are triggered by death of knifes dont read the bio down below and dont watch the replay if that is true as well the participants: https://i.paste.pics/702cc43c2ea59bac254c6ac2efe5b993.png Goldenscales was found dead stabbed to death in the corridor. DrumCat was found guilty and was stuffed inside a monokuma costume filled with needles and acid MonoCOven was found dismembered in the warehouse. Clayton was found guilty and was spun around in barbed wire until decapitated Kaden was found dead with a katana Sticking out of their chest and SatansAssGremlin was found dead with a knife in their neck in the med bay Bcm was found out to be the killer and was thrown in a glass barrel and was drowned RotorMoil was found dead stabbed to death in the music room Nightblade won by having the entire class not vote and let him decide because he killed Rotor and no one found out the rest of the cast was thrown in acid good job nightblade, you killed all your friends :D

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