This list is a WIP and will be updated as more elements are made.
So, with a different universe, comes some different types of elements. This list will be arranged in the format of (Element Name)-(Noteable properties)-(Common use)
Juolieaen-A durable but mailable material capable of conducting the electrical charge from nerves. Has a melting point of 1,096°C.-Often used in either advanced robotic prosthetic limbs, or in certain weapons that can be built-into an organism. The most prominent device that acts as both of these is a military device known as “Spider Prosthetic Legs” or “SP-Legs”.
Tundruniam- has a density of 68.9 grams per cubic centimeter. Has a melting point of 4,728° C. It’s extremely non-conductive, and considered one of the “‘rarer”’ elements. Is reactive with almost nothing, the exception being mercury. Acts as a “Density Magnet” as it has a notable gravitational pull when in large quantities.- This is often used in bloodbeast strength tests. There’s a big block of Tundruniam, and a bloodbeast punches it. Depending on the dent made into the block, often determines strength. This material isn’t very useful otherwise.
Pledianel.- Rare, but not too rare to be considered “precious”. It’s one of the only elements that bloodbeasts can’t normally make. It has the ability of “Eating” radiation.- because of it’s rarity and the lacking ability for a bloodbeast to produce it in mass, It’s used as the Bloodbeast currency. Though, what they consider One Bloodbeast dollar, sells for around 32K in USD. The reason it sells for so much is because of both it’s rarity, and it’s abilities to negate radiation. The radiation part is mainly what makes it worth so much though, as it makes nuclear power a lot more viable.
Herndweni-Has a melting point similar to that of tungsten. Isn’t very reactive, except for with carbon.- this metal has become a huge part of Bloodbeast life. Due to the Fire and magma tiers, being able to properly breathe in a closed space with them was nearly impossible, as they’d burn off all the oxygen into carbon dioxide. What was great, Is that, by using a solid bar of this metal, it was possible to create “Carbon Filters”. What it would do, is the metal would react with the carbon in carbon dioxide, and essentially break the bonds between the carbon and oxygen, making it so that the Carbon and oxygen would be separated. Essentially, It made it possible for a fire or magma tier to still burn oxygen into carbon dioxide, and it not suffocate everyone in the room.
wow.. this is so good...