random,but i was scrolling through tumblr when i saw something cute/funny and i made this very high pitched squeak without even opening my mouth(it sounded like a f*cking mouse) and now i'm wondering how the h3ll did i manage that????
slay legit just slay at drawing like you really do. i will stand for this disrespect of this really cool artist like legit. don't be down in the dunps. noone can do everything all of the time.
@Gh.0.stLee @Poem @Hoodie you guys are so wholesome AAAAAAHoodie
NO YOU DIDNT :(( youre literally an awesome artist and there is no drawing terribly, it’s just improving :)Gh.0.stLee
slay legit just slay at drawing like you really do. i will stand for this disrespect of this really cool artist like legit. don't be down in the dunps. noone can do everything all of the time.edit:im dyslexic ignore spelling