pillow thoughts - page 2

By Hoodie

I used to imagine holding hands as we drove Along the highway, onward to the mountains And the little cabin we bought for the weekends away. How you would look over at me at every intersection, Smile that smile of yours and say it was the perfect day. I used to imagine a beautiful afternoon, sprawled out On a blanket, watching as you poured more wine. And I would stare at you and dare to wonder how you could Possibly, after all this time still, be mine. I used to imagine our future with our children Running along the sand, us arm in arm laughing behind. We’d look out into the bay and the ships would be sailing by. I just never imagined one day you would be the ship And sail away, leaving me and all our plans on the sand. ( i did not write this, book is Pillow Thoughts IV : Stiching the Soul by Courtney Peppernell )

  • Published December 07, 2020, 01:27
  • in Whirlpool
  • in sketches
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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