Test #17 resulted in another failure the subjects head was damn near ripped clean off, if it wasn't for his near immortal body he'd be dead by now, however I did learn something more interesting, it seems the subject has organ like substances within his body that he allows to spill out from where ever he pleases, I've noticed that he also doesn't doesn't stop smiling, it's a bit off putting but something to else to keep track of, in other more pressing news test #17 resulted in the death over 30 staff members sadly, but their deaths have showed me even more interesting details, it seems as if the subject will go out his way to his next kill more bloody than the last, I can only hope however the that ______ doesn't find this place seeing what the subject can do, as I fear that the ______ could cause more damage with the subject loose, Test #18 should probably bring an end to the subject as it should cure him I hope...
pleaseplease let me continue the last one
im begging u
for the sake of og drawn please conmtineiu the second oneStanced
Segs they do?? THE BIG SUS!!! 😮😮😮TheBoiRaine
his walk is indestructableGreenHoodiedAnimator
he will not ceaseItJustSticks