Unstoppable: Characters (V5)


There might me some typos that I didn't see but hopefully there aren't. -Added Oculus -Added "Nightwing" Cryono -Changed the font of the names and some other things -Fixed some stuff Some info: -Power Level is the level of power from 0 to 100 and It shows how strong the character is. For example a regular person is at most power level 20. If the power Level is past 100 than it's a serious danger, usually the character that has power level 100+ is marked with purple and it has atleast a Treat level of 9. -The Treat Level is a scale from 1 to 10 that shows how dangerous the character is based on it's stats. - ThePower Move is the best power that a character has and it's measured from Bad to Overpowered. -The reputation of a character is measured from the middle. If the character is good then the bar will fill from the middle to the left, if it's evil it will fill from the middle to the right.

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