Winter update


This winter was busy and it's obvious that I'm not the highschool kid I used to be with unlimited time to animate anymore. But I kept animating, many bugs and crashes later that Clayton had to fix for me and I'm finally at the end of the first fight scene of the episode. It's the best fight scene I've ever done yet in the series and I only aim to improve once I move to other software and reboot the series. The animation progress itself is straight forward, I get things done quick when I get the chance to work on the animation, but sadly time is of the essence and the reason for not doing it even faster is because I only work on it like twice a week and for the past two weeks I've had a severe case of sinusitis that affected half my fucking head and I almost got addicted to painkillers and shit so I had to take a long break form anything honestly but now I'm back. Now.. for this spring I aim to finish the fight scene (and it's definitely going to happen) and start on some dialogue parts to keep the plot going for about 500 more frames so that will hopefully go by really fast animation wise. And after that fight scene 2 will take place, and that's going to be shorter than this for reasons you will see >:). Also I'm really excited because after I finish the first fight scene I will start working on the sfx and soundtrack for the animation along side my partner and that will of course bring so much life to the cartoon, something that was always lacking in the series and hopefully we will create a great atmosphere for the movie (you can listen to the wip version of the sountrack here: The vibe I'm aiming for is ultrakill and madness combat combined because I like the breakcore of ultrakill and the juicy techno of madcom songs. Alright until next time take care and be patient. If you read all of this you are a cool person.

  • Published March 08, 2024, 14:19
  • in The Swamp
  • in Announcements
  • is not continuable by others
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