A whole moment
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H e h . . . T h a t s c o n v e n i e n t . . . s h e (or he) l o o k s l i k e m e . . . m e n t a l l y .satansassgremlin
@XEclipse lolTheMemeist
@XEclipse But then i would just gave away koins too so really i would still be brokeXEclipse
If there was a donation function do u have any idea how rich u would be right now??TheMemeist
@BuffedDoggo!! iuhrfudskuni @ClaytonR we need a donation function!!!TheMemeist
@WolfHats going sicko modeBuffedDoggo!!
i want to donATE YOU 1000 koINSKailey_Kat
that's a beautiful friend u got theresatansassgremlin
oh ok what is your friend doing?