guys, which character should I draw


Marnie: Amelia Silver's wife. werewolf, very strong. Liam SIlver: son of Ace and Dolphin. (somehow has blonde hair. idk)friends with both evan and mars by having a double enrollemtn thingy in both te mars program(to go to mars) and at Evan's college. is a fellow engineer with mars, but in specifically the food and water distribution. mer/witch/nymph/pixie Delaney: Mars's best friend since they were put in the boarding school together as roommates.(and then they were roommates). shapeshifter. engineer the arch-demon: I have no idea what he looks like. please, I need help. Zayne: also on the spaceship. went to a different school then Mars, Delaney, and Liam. also an engineer. rock giant/nymph Indre: the pilot for the spaceship when needed. (also one of the imposters)went to the same school as Zayne. human??{actually, just not a European supernatural. maybe a djinn?? suggest things for me?} liam is yellow, mars is pink, delaney is black, zayne is green, indre is purple. anyway, which one should I draw first??

  • Published November 24, 2020, 13:33
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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