OKay, so, the arch-demon's best friend. He's pretty cool. likes pastel colors. Son of Ace and Dolphin. wears a lot of fancy clothes. Is the one to first realize that Evan and Mars are twins. (except for some conspiracy theorists)an engineer, but especially with water and food stuff. This is like, right when they get back from space, so his hair is still curlier than it is on earth because gravity makes hair less curly. Regularly gets into arguments with marnie. yes, he dyed his hair. it was blue or pink or something before all the color washed out.
@GoldenScales interestingGoldenScales
small man is a store owner. big man tried to steal tik taks. he was caught. now small man is making an example of himRoseken
@StarMoonlight yesStarMoonlight
"he's too precious"Roseken
@CameraID heheheheCameraID
small twink man asks gay bear man for condom but big gay bear man dosnt have it so twink is depressedRoseken
@marcelohno ah lmaomarcelohno
@Roseken old tik tok memes lmaoRoseken
@marcelohno i dont get it but :Dmarcelohno
being friends with a heather part 29083457