- (ramble?)


Silence from everywhere. Pardon me, not everywhere, my earbuds are giving off music, my parents are discussing something about my brother and cousin again, and there is a movie playing in the room behind me. My breathing and thoughts make somewhat of a sound, too. i am just worried because of the ear-ringing silence i heard when i awoke. the first time i have noticed it in quite awhile. Lying in bed restless, trying to fall asleep with my eyelids covering my eyes. usually i heard one of my mother's dogs snoring, my mother herself snoring, something on my iPad i put on for background noise (it was on, but i didn't hear it). i heard no birds like the day previous, though i believe i was suffering from an auditory hallucination, i heard far too many types of song birds for it to be correct for this time of year. i had a really strange type of dream where i was genuinely phasing in and out of sleep, and i was feeling weird things. a>a; but after my mother left early in the morning at about 4:40a.m., and my father leaving at about 6 something a.m., i heard nothing for a scary few moments. i really wanted the faint, not actually present bird song again. i believe i cried very early this morning, too. Spending awhile trying to get comfortable, and noticing how stiff and sore my neck gets after lying on one side for awhile, to where i feel like i must lie on my back or shift to my other side. Turning over my pillow, too, and trying to snuggle into my other one for a sense of comfort, waking up to realize i kicked off my blankets so i have to tuck myself in once more, or adjust blankets so i am not too warm.... sorry, this is a bit of a ramble.

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