C!Tommy hair woohoo
Left is pre-trauma (lol) he has a haircut that slightly resembles wil but not enough bc he doesnt wanna look like he’s influenced by him that lil sweet idiot lol
In the middle, we have after wills death and exile, he starts teaming with techno, resembling him with longer hair/pony tail. After he parts ways with him though, wil doesnt trust either of his brothers so he doesnt resemble either. JUst a silly little hc hehe scrawny little clingy boi just wants to be like his brothers until they go spooky mode
A Night with Mr.Fred 2003GreenHoodiedAnimator
A Night with Mr.Fred 2003B1zarr3
A night with Mr.Fred 2003Hoodie
A Night with Mr.Fred 2003Bionicle.exe
@freezing-Amber A Night with Mr.Fred 2003Junebug
@freezing-Amber A Night with Mr.Fred 2003_J_M_
@freezing-Amber A Night with Mr.Fred 2003FreezingFlames
sounds important