im back from camp end of camp stats i hiked an at least 12km mountain in the rain leech bites: 4 phone notifs: 20 discord notifs: 10 youtube notifs: 22 drawn notifs: 152 bitches: 0 ive taken music forgranted
Growing hair is hard, im proud but definitely cut it if its too dysphoric!! :)) and also thats unfortunate ::((( i wanna dye my hair too but i have the un approving parents hah. Hopefully you can dye it soon!
@PhinSilver thanks :))PhinSilver
@Hoodie yeah. Hopefully you can dye yours soom too!Hoodie
Growing hair is hard, im proud but definitely cut it if its too dysphoric!! :)) and also thats unfortunate ::((( i wanna dye my hair too but i have the un approving parents hah. Hopefully you can dye it soon!