Maggie Ref Illustration thing


Idk uh, not an official ref but ye. The thing she wears under her kimino is just like, an under thing idk. She just wears it under it xD. I mean she has to wear something- and it's good for like fighting and running if she like, needs to take off the kimino idk. This is just when she wears her kimino and such uh, she seems pretty blunt and mad in this, but i mean she kind of hardened over the years. Though she's really sweet and warm to those she gets comfortable around. so ye Imma make this continuable, and if u need colors, it's in favorites.

  • Published April 22, 2021, 17:03
  • in Still Waters
  • in 5. Oc Refs
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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