What if



Decided to slap some lineart on this fella so I can actually submit it to the contest . God bless

What if this idiot didn’t become a fallen Angel and instead actually was good at his job 😁

In his OG storyline he’s sent to earth as a guardian Angel but the person he’s guardianing. Dies. So he gets fired from his job and now god wants to smite him but he’s hiding on earth idk
But if he actually didn’t do that he’d just become another basic NORMAL Angel 🙄 but he’s not like other girls. He’s DIFFERENT

Also he gets divorced from his Husband in his og storyline but ig that wouldn’t happen here but they’d have like a loveless marriage prolly LOOL half of his charm is that he’s insane and sucks at everything if he was actually serious abt his job his husband wouldn’t actually like him that much

This animation is a continuation of:
  • Published Published March 16, 2022, 23:56
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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