What if


#WhatIfContest Decided to slap some lineart on this fella so I can actually submit it to the contest . God bless What if this idiot didnā€™t become a fallen Angel and instead actually was good at his job šŸ˜ In his OG storyline heā€™s sent to earth as a guardian Angel but the person heā€™s guardianing. Dies. So he gets fired from his job and now god wants to smite him but heā€™s hiding on earth idk But if he actually didnā€™t do that heā€™d just become another basic NORMAL Angel šŸ™„ but heā€™s not like other girls. Heā€™s DIFFERENT Also he gets divorced from his Husband in his og storyline but ig that wouldnā€™t happen here but theyā€™d have like a loveless marriage prolly LOOL half of his charm is that heā€™s insane and sucks at everything if he was actually serious abt his job his husband wouldnā€™t actually like him that much

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4 gawds sake
  • Published March 16, 2022, 23:56
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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