Editor Update!!!


Hello my ichthyian illustrators, As some of you are aware I'm working on a new animation site called Vash, which is a non-social animation tool quite different from Drawn. There's a discord for Vash (invite: https://discord.gg/hFQk3tuXRC ) and a Drawn channel there as a lot of Vash alpha testers are Drawn users. It was recently requested in the discord for an "Insert Frames" feature to allow users to easily insert blank frames into the Drawn timeline. As I looked into it, I realized that there wasn't a good place to put a button for it, and then I thought about how layer manipulation (reordering, deleting layers, layer details) was a little difficult and not obvious through the interface. So I've added a new dropdown menu in the editor to the right of the player controls (the icon is what I drew here). Under that menu you'll find quick methods to add/remove/reorder layers, get to layer and currently-selected drawing details, and the TWO NEW FEATURES: "Insert Frames" and "Remove Frames". I hope these help you continue to make amazing animations! As always, let me know if there are any problems. Enjoy!

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