Man, if the last few days weren’t wild I don’t know what would, so like. Um so basically after we killed that nilbog the dragon looking guy basileus said he gotta go and then he left. Afterwards I went to look at some gloves near the place I got my cool belt. They had my dad's name on them which was, like, weird. Anyways we left the cave and went onward to Arx where we saw the funny pants man, he told us our fortune and it was about some impending doom?? Idk.
So when we got there and we got some supplies, I was tall for like 30 minutes and thats when we learned about the prison and tavern 5, we first went to the prison to see father. And they let us in. I saw daddy, he looked at my journal and then he left. But after a while and walking back to the entrance we found that Max made children from dead people and then we left the prison. We then found an inn because it was starting to get late. We got up and then we headed for a shop that had balls for zach’s gun, it took a whole ass day to get there!!. On the way we saw tavern 5 across the street from the bullet store and we tried to enter but got denied. So we went to the gun store and the store guy was a bullet??? I don’t know how to feel about this anymore. Anyways once we left the store I saw a strange yet alluring idol and I suddenly had the thought that someone among us was not who they were saying they were and then it hurt to think about it, the thought that someone might be among us. But I quickly got over that thought and we walked towards an inn. And after seeing the innkeeper was a nilbog zach just held his gun up to his chin and his goo flew all over the place!! It was very improper to goo everywhere but hey, when you need to goo, you goo. The rest of the party seemed very distraught about this so I left his goo alone and we all headed to sleep. :) I’m still awake though as i am a large kid now, i don’t need bedtimes >:] goodnight journel
@ilyas still confucianismilyas
@GreenHoodiedAnimator yep nothing gay tho me straightGreenHoodiedAnimator
@ilyas a man for a women?ilyas
@GreenHoodiedAnimator if you know the other meaning it will make senseGreenHoodiedAnimator
suitor= a prospective buyer of a business or corporation.