Omg i got an idea for an rp I'm in


alsjdflajsdf I'm in a happy mood today, and like i thought of a dramatic scene thing where (male character) has to go cuz of reasons or something and (female Character) doesn't awnt him to go cuz she loves him and like these two fell hard for each other i swear i;LASDJF;LASJDF The haven't kissed yet and stuffs and bruh i just made up this scene where like, i typed it out, though some parts kinda depend on hwo the other person replies and stuff butlike, idk, this all just came into my head, and maybe the person i'm rpingw ith with these characters might know who they are idk xDDDD I just had a stroke of genius, and i can finally fight my writers block by rping ;alsdjf tho me and this person haven't rped in a while ig ia;lsdfj We haven't continued this rpppp ok just- read this ig idk She reached out her hand to him, heart starting to shatter. He was only a few feet away, he wasn't really going to leave her was he? She sobbed, "please don't leave" she begged, "I already had someone leave me before, please, don't let me go through it again" tears started to fall down her cheeks. "do you really not get it!?" she asked, her hands turning into tight fists, "i" she gulped, "I LOVE YOU DAMMIT" she cried out, collapsing onto the floor, her hands in front of her, keeping her up from crumbling more to the ground "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE SOMeONE ELSE I CARE ABOUT" her voice got weaker with every sentence, "I care about you" she continued to sob, "you idiot" she said quietly. a;sldfj PAIN SUFFERING DRAMA omg i think Hoodie rubbed off on me when i was rping with her in that BNHA rp ;w; yeah i'm weird i know shush

  • Published September 12, 2020, 10:56
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in 6. Doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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