Dear Diary. . .


"5/2/2020 i saw here again. the kids at school teased me for my accent again. should i risk it, risk what little glimmer of quacking hope i have? risk what the kids of school think of me? i don't know, diary. i'm in the woods again, it's nice and warm today. none of the peepers have found it yet, my special spot by the old spruce tree that has the really high branches. it is still an hour n a half walk from town, so maybe that's it. anyways, i gotta head home, i think. it's getting dark, and the woods aren't so fun in the dark. goodnight, book." ~NITW Dott.

  • Published March 23, 2020, 08:42
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Artwork
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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