Aujourd'hui nous allons être faire Français! N'est-ce pas excitant? -> Today we will be doing French! Isn't that exciting?
I'll go easy on you though, don't worry .w. (and for pronunciation, you can use google translate ;w;")
I = Je
Am = suis
tu - you (singular, informal )
il = he/it
elle = she/it ( it as in an object (because in beautiful France they label items with masculine or feminine labels -thumbs up-)
on = one
nous = we
vous = you (plural, formal)
ils = they/it (m)
elles = they/it (f)
I am/ I'm = Je suis ( imagine je sounds like "yuh", and suis as "sweet" without the "t")
you are = tu es (informal)
il est = he is/ it is
elle est = she is/ it is
on est = one is
nous sommes = we are
vous êtes = you are (formal)
ils sont = they are (m)
elles sont = they are (f)
That's all for today/now, but I hope you enjoyed reading n' learning! Have a great day, and Au Revoir (Goodbye)!! ^^