individuals state they want to do things, though i am left ever so alone. i do not come on her much, due to that feeling. people,, being absent by something that is not their choice. ah, how should i handle this? i have felt better since i have taken a step away. taken a breather, for just a day. please, do not say i do not say i have a place out of sympathy. i am s shadow, almost forgotten in the midst of drama i have no right in peaking into, other than it is a divide. new friends, old friends, withering away into a fine dust.
how wonderful, how curious. i wonder what u must do to be worthy enough, hm? because clearly, i am secondary, if that. an echo on a bathroom wall, of what could be. this is friendship, though. not all will work out, despite how nice people seem. i honestly,, just miss what it was. i just want to be treated as an equal, but,, i mean. at least this place feels like school, where i sometimes have someone to talk to, mostly not.
good night, reader, of mine pathetic ramblings.