The album with my voice in it


I made an album in 2021 trying to continue an emerging storyline of a character who pissed their pants in a Polish shop "biedronka" and then met another person, made friends with them, but were then abandoned them after they realised they pissed themselves. the album growth was supposed to be abt the person mutating due to the chemicals in the instant ramen (zupki chińskie) they were eating in the shop - biedronka, that they ended up trapped in with no escape. Sequel to szop szop sklep, which was a sequel to by me. Theyre all horrible music. My non lyric albums after this are better. I like some of the songs tho Its shit

  • Published June 21, 2022, 15:33
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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