Disadvantages (1)

By Allen

Lucid dreaming can and is a very unique experience that feels wonderful when you know how to manage it, but it isn't always like this.

Since lucid dreaming can seem too real sometimes, you can mistake it with reality, leading to misunderstandings and feeling 'disconnected' to real life (it can provoke worse things, like triggering depersonalization-derealization disorder)

If someone is currently feeling down, has depression and/or suffers from anxiety, lucid dreaming will be a way to scape reality and that's NOT good. Using lucid dreaming as a coping mechanism can worse the mental state, even if in the moment it does feel good, later on they'll rely entirely on it, sleeping for more time than they should, won't feel motivated enough to take care of themselves (brushing teeths, taking showers, etc), or eating little / much.
Yes, you can use lucid dreaming as a way to comfort youself, maybe to vent anger or sadness. But do not rely on it, dreams aren't real.

Another disadvantage is that you've got to be careful in lucid dreams if you're a beginner. Accidentally saying things like "I know I'm dreaming" or "this is a dream", can bring you terrible problems inside the dream. Things will get creepy, the characters in there will chase after you, well, you'll feel trapped. It's a big mistake you shouldn't do. Waking up from these dreams may not let you want to go to sleep again.
Advanced lucid dreamers like me can say those things without anything bad happening (since we have more power over the dreams).

You can feel pain. Usually, in dreams, you can feel pain but not that much, you can barely even feel things. But when you're a lucid dreamer, advanced or not, pain increases a lot. I've got burnt, shot, stabbed in dreams and it hurts a lot, and the pain won't go easily. It also depends on the dreams you choose to have of course, you can avoid that part if you choose to dream about pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows /ref lmao

Using drugs or alcohol in lucid dreams will feel real; the effects will happen like in real life (specially if you already know what it feels like), and can leave a headache/side effects in the dream. Sometimes waking up from these dreams can leave an actual headache in real life! <---- I know from experience.

Not sure if this is all for now. If I remember anything else, I'll post about it
i loove writing these its so fun

  • Published Published March 22, 2024, 21:42
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in 4_DSV
  • is not continuable by others
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